Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City

Cyberpunk 2077 boardgame review Cyberpunk 2077 boardgame review Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City is a competitive game in which 1 to 4 players take on the role of ruthless gangs vying for control of the underground in the glittering hellhole that is Night City. Clash with other Gangs in the meat or on the […]

Tokyo Highway Rainbow City Review

It’s been a long hiatus since our last episode but we are back and excited to bring you our latest boardgame reviews!  This week we talk about a game that is already a strong contender for my game of the year, Tokyo Highway Rainbow City! This game is based on Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway known for […]

Century: Golem Edition Review

It’s time for our Century: Golem Edition Review! Century: Golem Edition is a re-themed version of Century: Spice Road set in the world of Caravania. In Century: Golem Edition, players are caravan leaders who travel the famed golem road to deliver crystals to the far reaches of the world. We recently had the opportunity to play this popular reimplementation […]

Hadrian’s Wall boardgame review

It’s time for our Hadrian’s Wall boardgame review! When visiting the North of Britannia in 122 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian Augustus witnessed the aftermath of war between his armies and the savage Picts. In a show of Roman might, he ordered a wall to be built that would separate the Pict tribes from the […]

Marvel Dice Throne Review

This week we talk about and do our Marvel Dice Throne Review. We’ve been playing this one for a few weeks after I found it on sale in EB Games. I’ve kind of wanted this one for a while because I’ve heard good things about Dice Throne, and I like Marvel stuff. Alison was not […]

Year End Wrap Up 2023

Wow! 2023 is already almost over. The Holidays are on, and the new year is just around the corner. It has been a great year for us at HotGameMagnet. We got to play so many fantastic games. In fact, if i had any complaint it’s just that we didn’t have enough time to play every […]

Septima kickstarter review

  It’s time for our Septima kickstarter review! We have a certain style of game that is what we consider to be perfect. It’s not perfect for everyone but it’s perfect for us. We like an upper medium weight game with great art, and an interesting theme that takes about 90 minutes to play for […]

Kickstarter Round Up NOV2023

  It’s time for Kickstarter Round Up NOV2023! Hello fellow board game addicts. It’s time to find out what games are hot and why we think so! After all, we are called Hot game Magnet for a reason. It’s not because we like magnets. We do like magnets, but not for podcasting purposes.  OMG! There […]

Fuzzlets Kickstarter Interview

It’s our Fuzzlets Kickstarter interview! We are always on the lookout for boardgames that the kids can enjoy. It’s so important to find ways to engage with them and draw them away from wanting to spend all their time watching Youtube or playing video games. Fuzzlets looks like a fun and easy to learn game […]

Dawn Boardgame Review

It’s time for our Dawn Boardgame Review! Social deduction games are really fun. However, it’s hard to find social deduction games that work with low player counts. Many of the most popular require minimum player counts of five or even more. There are some that work well at three players and very few at all […]