Alison has loved board games since was young. When she met Justin she described herself as exceptional at playing Connect 4. Justin laughed and said that there was no skill in Connect 4. After being beaten 9 times in a row, Justin realised that there is skill involved in games and fell in love with Alison. They have been happily married ever since.  

More recently Justin has become obsessed with board games. Having gone to art school, he is a bit of a sucker for some great art work. He is also in the process of developing his own game.

Nowadays Justin and Alison spend whatever time they can playing board games, mostly with each other. Their extensive game collecting makes them think they are something of a game magnet. You know, because hot games are attracted to them.

One hot Game Magnet

Justin has been playing and losing board games his whole life. It’s just one of the drawbacks of being the youngest sibling. From losing at Candyland to losing at Chess and Risk, to losing at thematic Ameri-trash games to losing at heavy Euro’s, Justin has never stopped loving the game.

As Justin watched Alison spike the game into the table to celebrate her 9th straight win at Connect 4, he knew he had found a keeper. Between Justin’s talent for finding new games and Alison’s extreme passion for winning, they have been happily married ever since. 

Justin and Alison founded HotGameMagnet in 2019 as a way to re-examine their now extensive collection of boardgames and what they love about them.

More recently, Justin and Alison expanded HotGameMagnet into HotGameMagnet Games, where they can use their knowledge of gaming to create and release their own game designs. Having studied fine art and film making Justin found the perfect place for his creative and story telling passion. 

Justin’s first mass market game BushPoo! will be launching soon with more to follow.