this week we take a look at Viking See-Saw and some kickstarter games that look like they might be awesome.
Sometimes the simplest games are the ones we play the most. Viking See-Saw is a new game from Itten Games and game designer Dr. Reinerkunitia. I’m a big fan of this Japanese boardgame company. They make beautiful small games that are deceptively simple and surprisingly fun. Viking See-Saw is the first game from their new Funbrick series of games.
Itten has realeased 5 funbrick games on kickstarter and so far, an additional 4 funbrick games on their website. After playing Viking See-Saw I’m keen to get my hands on the rest of the series. All of the funbrick games are very simply, very fun, and fit in a very small box.
Itten’s website is in English and Japanese and they have a whole bunch of other games that look amazing. Not just the funbrick series!
itten-games | the Japanese boardgame brand
However, if you would like to buy some of their games you might have trouble buying international. check out the link below to get a copy closer to home.
has 7 different funbrick games but viking see-saw might be sold out.
There are also copies on ebay, but so far nothing on Amazon or gamology.
We also talked about the newest game for the TEBURU system that is currently crowd funding on Gamefound. It looks really cool and I’m very excited about the digitally enhanced gameplay of TEBURU. Go to the campaign using the link below.
Vampire: The Masquerade – Milan Uprising by Teburu – Gamefound
Check out our other reviews for cool board games we have purchased through Kickstarter here on our episodes page.
We are always looking for new board games to review for our podcast. If you have any Board Games you would like us to review, that are coming up on Kickstarter soon, let us know in the contact us page.