October Kickstart Round-Up

http://traffic.libsyn.com/hotgamemagnet/032_October_KS_Roundup.mp3 It’s that time of the month again, where we discuss the hottest games available to back on KickStarter for October 2019. We look at what Justin is backing and what he is just watching in the shadows. If you want to spend money today, for a board game you will probably get next year […]
Episode 10: Village Attacks

http://traffic.libsyn.com/hotgamemagnet/010_Village_Attacks.mp3 Listen on iTunes. Right click and ‘save as’ to download. Welcome to Episode 10 of Hot Game Magnet. Today we review Village Attacks, by Grimlord Games. A game which is a bit like Zombicide, but you are a monster and you are protecting the castle heart. We played this game extensively to bring you […]