In today’s episode of Hot Game Magnet we review Camp Pinetop. This game from Talon Strike Games came beautifully boxed. It’s easy to play and simple to pick up.
We actually first played Camp Pinetop way back before it was even on Kickstarter. It was the very first board game we played on Tabletop Simulator. Camp Pinetop was recommended by Justin’s brother who was at a board game convention and said it was the best game he played there.
Well, after backing Camp Pinetop on Kickstarter it has finally arrived. For a full run down of how we found the game after actually receiving it, listen to this week’s review on the podcast episode of Hot Game Magnet.
Everybody knows the best part about being a scout is achieving merit badges. In Camp Pinetop by Talon Strike Games we find out how much fun that really is, and you can do it at home, or while your camping if you want.